What if you could change your relationship status from "Single to Wifey"...

Have you been praying & dreaming about the day your future husband puts a ring on your finger?



I’m all about living your best single life now, but I want to help you get what you’ve been praying for...




It’s time to prepare your heart for a relationship & learn how to become a wife…
And it’s time to finally meet single guys who love Jesus.



Trusting God with Your Love Story Bible Study
Join the Single to Wifey Membership with a FREE 7-day trial

You’re praying for a husband, and trying to believe God has someone for you... 


But some days, you’re REALLY SICK of being single. 

You want to embrace singleness, but deep down, you can’t wait to become a wife. 

Meeting your future husband has been at the top of your prayer list FOR YEARS.

And while you’ve tried dating in the past, you feel stuck with your dating life. 

You want to meet & marry a man of God, but struggle to meet quality men. 

Where are all the single, Christian men?  

And how do you get to know a guy to see if he’s the right fit for you? 

At Fun & Holy, so many women struggle to meet single guys. 

And once they meet someone, ladies aren’t sure how to date & prepare for marriage in a godly way. 

What’s a single woman like you to do? 

How can you step out in faith to meet your future husband, and prepare for marriage now? 

You are NOT the only single one left...

If it feels like all your friends are getting married, you aren't alone.

Did you know that about 50% of adults in the USA are single?


This means THERE ARE PLENTY of single men left. 

But how do you meet your future husband in this hookup culture? 

What if you had a coach to guide you so you could meet more single, Christian men? 

And what if there was a place to learn how to date and prepare for marriage, in community with other single women? 

Just because your church doesn’t have a singles ministry doesn’t mean you’re overlooked.

Your life matters now, and there is a community of women out there who are praying & believing for a husband just like you... 

... A community of women who refuse to sleep around to meet their husband, and who want to learn how to date and prepare for marriage in a healthy way. 


If you want to learn how to go from "Single to Wifey" with other ladies in community, this is for you...


The Single to Wifey Membership

An online community & membership for single Christian women who want to date & become a wife.


Because you're NOT the only single one left. And it IS possible to date & pursue marriage in a healthy way.


In the Single to Wifey Membership, you’ll attend live masterclass teachings to help you date and prepare for marriage in a community with other single women.

You'll also get group coaching and a chance to get your personal dating questions answered.

I get hundreds of emails from women all over the world asking for personal dating advice.

Which is why God put it on my heart to start the Single to Wifey Membership.

Every month, we’ll have a chance to discuss your personal dating questions in a group over Zoom.

And we’ll have a chance to discuss some of your toughest dating questions on the live masterclass teachings.

Join the Single to Wifey Membership with a 7-day FREE trial


We'll discuss dating questions like...

  • How to know when you’ve found “the one”
  • The 3 best places to meet single, Christian men
  • Let’s talk about sex: why it’s a big deal, and whether it’s worth the wait
  • How to grow your confidence in dating
  • How to tell if a guy is a true Christian
  • 5 ways to prepare for marriage now as a single woman (that you probably haven’t heard before)
  • The list: should you have one? And things NOT to have on your list
  • Signs you’re ready to get married
  • Top reasons you may be single
  • The 4 types of boundaries to set in a relationship
  • How to create intimacy in a relationship (without having sex)
  • Red flags to look for in a relationship
  • How to discover your purpose as a single woman
Join the Single to Wifey Membership with a 7-day FREE trial

How will the Single to Wifey Membership help you find a husband?


Only God knows who your future husband is, but Single to Wifey will help prepare your heart for a relationship, and will teach you how to date.

How Single to Wifey will help you meet your future husband…

  • Learn practical dating tips & ways to meet more single, Christian men
  • Get your personal dating questions answered
  • Identify the areas and mindsets holding you back from meeting your husband
  • Learn how to pursue healing & freedom from your past
  • Learn how to date in a godly & healthy way, so you don’t screw it up when your future husband asks you out
  • Learn how to prepare for marriage now as a single woman
  • Be encouraged with other single women who are also praying for their husband
  • Get accountability to step out in faith to date & to resist temptation
  • Learn how to trust God in the dating process, and how to let God guide you as you date
  • Learn how to discover your purpose as a single woman, which will make you more attractive to men around you who see you building God’s Kingdom


What you'll get each month in the Single to Wifey Membership...

  • TWO live masterclass teachings a month on various topics taught by Erin Kiu or guest speakers to help you navigate dating, singleness, sex, & preparing for marriage (Value $297)
  • ONE live monthly coffee chat, where you can receive personal dating advice or prayer in a group setting (Value $197)
  • Access to a private community with other single women to stay connected & encouraged during the week (Value $97)
  • Exclusive discounts on Fun & Holy products only offered to women in the Membership (Unlimited Value)
  • BONUS: A personal review & feedback on your Instagram or dating profile by Erin Kiu (Value $97)
  • BONUS: Access to the Dating Makeover 101 Course, an online course that will help you get unstuck with dating & meet more single, Christian men (Value $197) 
  • *NEW BONUS*: Access to the Pursuing Purity Course, an online course to help you walk in purity & overcome sexual temptation (Value $197)
  • BONUS: An engagement gift if you get engaged when you're in the Single to Wifey Membership 💍 (because that's the end goal here😊

Total Value: $1,082

Join the Single to Wifey Membership with a 7-day FREE trial
Learn more about what you'll get in the Membership each month


How much does it cost to join the Single to Wifey Membership?

Single to Wifey is a monthly subscription-based membership, where you'll pay the same amount each month to receive access.

The Membership is similar to the monthly subscriptions you may be paying for now, such as Netflix, Fabletics, or your gym membership.

If you're still reading this, I know you want a husband.

But the question is, are you willing to invest in your relational health & future marriage?

So many women (myself included) pay for things each month that we don't value as much as our relationships.

If you think you can't afford the monthly Single to Wifey Membership, go through your credit card statement & identify things you don't really need.

Would you rather have a new outfit, or would you like to learn how to meet more single men (and your husband)?

Or are all the vanilla lattes & Amazon purchases worth more to you than meeting your future husband?

If you go out to eat a lot, you can afford the Single to Wifey Membership each month by eating a few more meals at home.

My prayer is that what you learn in the Single to Wifey Membership will help you meet your husband & get married, so you won't need this membership community for too long anyways 😊  

Monthly Subscription

$39 per month

  • Join today and access the membership for FREE for 7 days.
  • Cancel any time before your monthly renewal date. 
Join today with a FREE 7-day trial & receive monthly access

Monthly Membership Perks in Detail...

TWO live monthly masterclass teachings on various topics taught by Erin Kiu or other guest speakers


Trusting God for a husband is NOT easy in this hookup culture. 

That’s why twice a month, you’ll receive teaching on a topic to help you navigate singleness & dating in a healthy & biblical way. 

These are group calls where you’ll be encouraged by other single ladies in the community. 

All masterclass teachings will be taught by Erin Kiu, or by occasional guest speakers.

Masterclass teachings will typically be held on Tuesday nights, starting at 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET.

Value: $297

ONE live monthly coffee chat to discuss your personal dating questions

If you’re looking for personal dating advice or prayer, you’ll love the monthly coffee chats.  

The coffee chat will be live Q&A based on the questions you need help with. 

While this will still be held in a group setting, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your personal dating questions & receive prayer with Erin Kiu. 

Coffee chats will typically be held on Tuesday nights at 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET.

Value: $197

Private community access with other single women to stay connected throughout the week

Single women need community & accountability more than ever. 

If you feel like you’re all alone on this dating journey, you’ll love connecting with other single ladies in the private community. 

This is like a private Facebook group, except it’s hosted on Erin’s website. 

The private community allows you to connect with other women throughout the week for encouragement and prayer. 

You'll also get to submit personal dating questions to be discussed on the live calls.

Value: $97

BONUS: Dating profile or Instagram review & feedback by Erin Kiu

Do you ever wonder what photos you should post, or how to set up your dating profile? 

If you’re on the dating apps, there’s so much pressure to have the perfect profile to stand out from the rest. 

And even if you aren’t on the dating apps, your Instagram feed can tell guys a lot about you.

In the Single to Wifey Membership, you’ll receive feedback on your dating profile OR Instagram feed by Erin Kiu. 

This bonus is only available to members who stay in the Membership past the 7-day free trial period. 

Value: $97

BONUS: Access to the Dating Makeover 101 Course

Do you feel stuck with dating, or like you aren’t meeting any new guys? 

In the Dating Makeover 101 Course, you’ll learn how to get out of your dating rut & put yourself out there to meet more men. 

So many single women struggle to meet quality guys they could potentially date. 

The Dating Makeover 101 Course will help boost your confidence, and equip you to meet and talk to men (and go on more dates!) 

When you join the Single to Wifey Memership, you'll get instant access to the Dating Makeover 101 Course which consists of video trainings in your Membership Library.

Value: $197

BONUS: Access to the Pursuing Purity Course

Do you struggle to resist temptation when it comes to sex? 

In the Pursuing Purity Course, you’ll learn how to overcome sexual sin and how to stand strong to resist temptation.

Waiting until marriage to have sex is not easy. And so many single Christian women also struggle with porn, lust, & masturbation.

The Pursuing Purity Course will equip you to overcome sexual sin & give you the tools to fight sexual temptation.

I almost didn't follow Jesus because I didn't want to stop having sex, but God gave me the strength to overcome my sexual past & to wait until marriage with my husband!

When you join the Single to Wifey Memership, you'll get instant access to the Pursuing Purity Course which consists of video trainings in your Membership Library.

Value: $197

BONUS: An engagement gift if you get engaged when you're in the Single to Wifey Membership

After being in the Single to Wifey Membership, my biggest prayer is that you'll meet your future husband & get engaged.

And if you get engaged when you're in the Membership, I will send you one of my favorite engagement gifts that I received when I got engaged 💍 

Because your love story deserves to be celebrated! 

Join the Single to Wifey Membership with a 7-day FREE trial

BONUS: Dating Makeover 101 Course

A video-based online course to help you meet more single men & go on more dates

The entire course is INCLUDED for FREE when you join the Single to Wifey Membership

And yes, you can access the course even during the FREE 7-day trial of Single to Wifey 🤩

In the Dating Makeover 101 course, you'll learn:

☑️ What the Bible says about dating, and how to let God guide you as you step out in faith

☑️ How to grow your confidence so you feel more confident talking to single men (especially the cute guy you've had your eye on)

☑️ How to talk to men, including the best conversation starters to use in a conversation

☑️ How to flirt with men in a God-honoring way (without using your body)

☑️ The 10 best places to meet more single men

☑️ How to step out in faith to meet more single men in your community

Are you ready for a dating makeover?

Access Dating Makeover 101 for FREE with a 7-day trial of Single to Wifey

FAQs About the  Single to Wifey Membership

Have a question about Single to Wifey? See if your question is answered below. If not, send me an email at [email protected].


Hi! I'm Erin Kiu. I believe God is writing your love story, & I want to help you meet your future husband.


God answered my prayers for a godly husband, and I'm praying & believing that God will answer yours.

(If you haven't read how God wrote my love story, you can read about my love story here.)

When I was single, I wanted more resources & community to help me navigate singleness and dating in a way that honored God. (Especially community that wasn't afraid to talk about sex & the messy parts of life before becoming a Christian.)

But I struggled to find Christian resources for single ladies that would encourage women to make the most out of being single while still believing & trusting God for a husband.

And I get hundreds of emails from women all over the world asking for personal dating advice. Emails from ladies who feel alone trusting God for a husband in this hookup culture.

Which is why God put it on my heart to start the Single to Wifey Membership. 

Every month, we’ll have a chance to discuss your personal dating questions in a group over Zoom. 

And we’ll also have a chance to discuss some of your toughest dating questions. 

You aren't the only single one left, and it IS possible to date & pursure marriage in a healthy & biblical way.

I'm SO excited to see how God is going to move through the Single to Wifey Membership.

Are you ready to take action to go from "Single to Wifey"?

See you inside the Membership :)

With Love,

Erin Elise Kiu

Join the Single to Wifey Membership with a 7-day FREE trial