Want to spend more time reading the Bible this year?
Kick off the New Year with a new Bible study book, or download one of my free Bible reading plans.
If you want to grow closer to God this year,...
Have you noticed how Halloween seems to get darker every year?
While you may remember getting dressed up in cute costumes and going trick-or-treating as a kid, Halloween isn't the same.
Instead of...
You have a big decision to make, and you’ve been praying and asking God to guide you.
Should you take that job, or move to a new city? Should you go on a date with this person, or could that...
Looking for the best Christian Gifts for Moms?
Here are 40 gift ideas for Christian moms, perfect if you are looking for Christian Mother's Day gifts, Christmas gifts, or something...
Bible study shouldn’t be boring. While it’s most important to have a good Bible that you like, there are plenty of other Bible study accessories that will help you make the most out of...
Do you feel like you need a break from social media? Are you thinking of fasting but are not sure if a social media fast makes sense for you?
As social media fasts become more and more popular,...
I could spend all day reading on the beach if I could, and I would not be the woman of faith I am today without a few Christian books that changed my life.
Wondering what book to read next?
When you think of social media, you may love it or hate it, or maybe you have a love-hate relationship with social media like me.
I hardly used social media for the longest time. I felt awkward...
I used to drink a lot before I became a Christian, so when I gave my life to Christ, I knew I needed to do some research to answer the question, what does the Bible say about drinking alcohol?
As I...
There are many ways to read the Bible. I’m going to share my top tips and where to start reading the Bible for beginners, but the best way to read the Bible is discovering the method that...
How to Have a Relationship With God
Your personal relationship with God is the most important relationship you will ever have. I believed in God my entire life but I didn’t understand how to...
As Christians, it is so important to establish strong roots in Jesus Christ. If we are going to live out our purpose as followers of Christ, we cannot live the Christian life and fulfill the...