How to Fulfill Your Purpose at Work as a Christian christian living purpose & calling Nov 09, 2020

Christians In Business or in the Workplace: How to Find Your Purpose At Work

The alarm goes off. It’s Monday morning. The weekend is over and it’s time to face reality. Another week in...

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Godly Man vs. Worldly Man - 15 Characteristics of a Godly Man dating & relationships Oct 27, 2020

You've met a guy at church. Or maybe you've met a decent guy on a dating app and he says he’s a Christian.

But how do you tell if he is a Godly man? How do you tell the difference between a...

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How to Navigate Life Changes & Transitions as a Christian christian living spiritual growth Oct 16, 2020

Navigating Life Changes & Transitions as a Christian

We naturally go through both good and bad transitions in life. Some transitions and life changes are predictable yet others are unexpected....

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How to Share Your Faith at Work christian living faith purpose & calling Aug 28, 2020

Did you know that God wants to use you to share your faith with others, even at work? 

Talking about God at work? Is that even allowed? 

Yes, yes it is. It's more than allowed, it's a...

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Trusting God When Planning a Wedding Doesnโ€™t Go as Planned christian living Aug 17, 2020

If you are a bride wondering how to plan a wedding during COVID or a pandemic or if you find yourself planning a wedding that is nothing like you had ever planned or dreamed of, then this post is...

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The 5 Things I Learned in the Corporate World That Changed My Life purpose & calling Aug 03, 2020

Today is officially my last day working in public accounting. After 6.5 years, I learned so much more in the corporate life beyond just how to prepare a balance sheet or how to use excel.

Sure, I...

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The Comparison Trap: How to Stop Comparison christian living spiritual growth Jul 24, 2020

Comparison is something we have all dealt with at some point in our lives, and it doesn’t stop from creeping in once we become a Christian.

But what is the comparison trap and how do you...

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Single and Ready to Mingle: How to Be an Ambassador of Christ When Dating dating & relationships purity & singleness Jul 14, 2020

Did you know that God wants to use you as an ambassador of Christ when you are single or dating? If you are single and ready to mingle in the dating scene, this post is for you.

As a daughter of...

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God Works All Things for Good christian living faith Jul 01, 2020

We only have a few months left in 2020. A new decade and year where none of us could have predicted all that has happened.

Just because 2020 hasn’t gone like you planned doesn’t...

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Single and Ready to Mingle: How to Bring Jesus into Any Conversation dating & relationships purity & singleness Jun 26, 2020

How to Talk About God with Men on a Date

As a fun & holy daughter of God, you deserve a Godly man who is going to cherish you, love you and treat you like the queen you are.

You’ve been...

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How to Put God First as Your Top Priority spiritual growth Jun 23, 2020

What's Your Excuse for Not Putting God First?

We’ve all heard many excuses for why people don't put God first. And we may have given our own excuses for not making time for God or...

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Is It Okay to Ask a Guy Out? Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ask a Guy Out dating & relationships Jun 10, 2020

The ultimate question. Is it okay to ask a guy out? Should you ask a guy out if you've been praying & waiting for a guy to ask you out for what seems like forever?

Should you drop lots of...

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