Navigating the Single Life on Valentine's Day
Feb 05, 2021
Navigating the Single Life on Valentine's Day
Every February I used to think, 'Great, another Valentine's Day being single. God, when will this single life finally end?'
Being single for any holiday is not easy, especially during Valentine's Day. It's a holiday that always reminded me of how very single I was.
As my relationship with God grew, he showed me how to be more content with my single life and how to be happy for others around me that were in a relationship.
If you find yourself single heading into this Valentine's Day, below are 5 strategies to help you navigate your single life and find more joy this Valentine's Day.
1) Be Mindful of What You are Looking At
We end up focusing on what we are consuming and it’s best in this season of love to stay away from anything that will make you feel more lonely or depressed about your relationship status.
It can be so tempting to watch all the romantic comedies and read romance novels this time of year, but if this kind of entertainment only makes you feel more lonely, it's best to stay clear.
Even spending too much time scrolling past all the cute couples on Instagram can trigger loneliness.
It can be easy to get caught up in all the romantic social media posts and movies, but ask yourself, will you feel better about being single watching these movies or will you feel worse?
If certain movies or books make you feel more lonely and even more single, it’s best to stay clear altogether.
If you are looking to grow in your single life and want to be more content where God has you, make sure you are reading, watching or listening to content that is full with God’s truth and that is full of hope.
If you want to read a love story that focuses on Jesus, check out my testimony of how God transformed my life in One Transforming Love.
If you are sick of meeting the wrong kind of men and want to get out of the casual hook-up culture that the world lives in, One Transforming Love is the book for you.
While it's based on my own testimony, God put it on my heart to write it as a Christian Fiction novel, so you'll enjoy all the plot, characters, and scenes just like other fiction novels :)
Are you looking to learn more about purity and Christian dating in a way that honor’s God design? Read a book on purity or how to set boundaries.
You can learn more about how I set boundaries in my relationship and why I chose to stop having sex to obey God's design in these blog posts, How to Set Boundaries in Dating and Why I Chose Not to Have Sex Before Marriage.
Below are some of my favorite books on Christian dating and relationships that taught me how to date in a way that would honor God.
Sex and the Single Christian Girl: Fighting for Purity In A Rom-Com World
Boundaries in Dating: How Healthy Choices Grow Healthy Relationships
The Wait: A Powerful Practice for Finding the Love of Your Life and the Life You Love
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If you are looking to learn more about Godly love stories, there's no place like the Bible. Read the book of Ruth, the story of Abraham and Sarah, or Hosea and Gomer.
These stories from the Bible are some of my favorite love stories and helped build my faith that God was also writing my love story. You can learn more about how I trusted God with my love story and how I prayed as I waited in my blog post, God is still Writing Love Stories.
This Valentine's Day, be intentional and focus on content that is full of God’s truth. Focus on content that will make you feel better about your single life.
2) Make Plans with Your Friends
Be proactive and make plans with your friends this Valentine's Day. Don't wait until Valentine's Day to see what your friends are up to and then end up feeling lonely at home alone.
Call up your other single friends and make plans to do something on Valentine's Day. Have a movie night. Go out to your own Valentine's Day dinner. Do a work out together if you bond over fitness. Have a baking night.
Use the gift of hospitality that God gave you and open up your heart and your home to others that also may be feeling lonely this Valentine's Day.
If you want more tips on how to be a better friend in this season and how to make friendships that last, check out my blog post The Power of True Friends.
3) Love Others
Since Valentine's Day is all about love, why not focus on loving those around you?
Just because you are single doesn't mean there aren't people to love.
God tells us to love others all the time; not just on Valentine's Day or on holidays. The greatest commandment is to love God and to love others.
““Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”” – Matthew 22:36 - 39
While you are praying for a romantic love, so many people desperately need the love of Jesus and love from others. Some people don’t have any family or friends to love on them.
Pray and ask God how you can serve and love others this Valentine's Day.
Bake cookies for your neighbors. Volunteer at your church. Babysit your friends' kids so they can enjoy their own romantic dinner out.
Share the love of God you carry inside of you with others around you this Valentine's Day.
4) Pray for Your Future Husband
If you do start to feel lonely this Valentine's Day, start thanking and praying to God for your future husband.
Pray and thank God for your future husband whenever you are reminded of your singleness.
God already knows who your future husband is. He is out there somewhere living his life – and he could very well be praying for you, his future wife.
Your future husband could be out there, feeling the same way you do in this season.
Imagine both of you waking up on Valentine's Day, praying to God for each other. Wouldn’t that be beautiful?
Pray and ask God to prepare both of you for your future marriage. Pray for his spiritual growth and that he is a man after God’s own heart. Pray for him to be man that not only reads God’s word but lives it in his daily life.
If you want some ideas on how to pray for your future husband and specific things to pray for, you can join my free, 14-day Attracting Your Future Husband Challenge to receive daily topics, bible verses and prayers to pray for your future husband.
The challenge includes the bible verses & prayers I prayed the most as I waited on God to bring me my husband & answer my prayers - so I know that praying for your future husband works!
You can also download the 5 Prayers for Your Future Husband prayer guide for specific prayers to pray over your future husband..
I prayed these bible verses and prayers over my now husband as I waited for him to ask me out and they gave me so much hope as I waited on God to move in his heart.
5) Focus on Celebrating This Season Instead of Comparing
While God knows your desire for a boyfriend and for marriage, it’s not okay to desire these things out of jealousy or comparison.
In a world of Instagram photos of cute couples, it doesn’t take long to be in the scrolling cycle of wanting what others have while questioning the things you don’t have.
If you find yourself comparing your relationship status to others and questioning God’s plan for your life, it’s time to get out of the comparison trap and start celebrating the season you are in.
It’s time to celebrate your single life and be grateful for all that God has given you. It’s time to celebrate all those happy couples around you and to trust God that if he could do it for them, then he can do it for you.
If you find yourself struggling with comparison or jealousy this time of year, check out my blog post, The Comparison Trap: How to Stop Comparison.
As I share in the blog post, one of the best ways I overcame comparison was to pray for the couple or person I was feeling envious of.
If I saw a cute couple holding hands on the beach and would start to feel jealous, I would stop and start praying to God. I would confess how I was feeling and I would pray for God to bless that couple. I would pray that God would help me feel content in my single life and I would thank him for bringing me my future husband.
As you see couples around you this Valentine's Day, let these couples serve as proof that God is writing your love story too. Thank God for bringing them together and thank God for bringing you your future husband.
If you are looking for more encouragement that God is writing your love story, you can read more about my love story here.
In this blog post, I share how I prayed and waited on God to bring me my husband and how he brought us together in his perfect timing.
Prayers for Joy and Hope This Valentine's Day
As you trust God to bring you your future husband, I pray you feel God’s joy and hope this Valentine's Day. Hope that he is writing your love story right now.
God knows the desires of your heart and he cares about your relationship status as much as you do.
Related Blog Posts on Christian Dating & Single Life
Check out the blog posts below for more Christian dating tips and insight from God's word.
Why I Chose Not to Have Sex Before Marriage
God is Still Writing Love Stories
Should You Ask the Guy Out Already?
Godly Man vs. Good Guy - 15 Ways to Tell if a Guy is a Godly Man
Free Resources to Pray for Your Future Husband
Do you want to attract your future husband? Join the free, 14-day prayer challenge and download the prayer guide for specific prayers and bible verses to pray over yourself and your future husband.
Attracting Your Future Husband Challenge
5 Prayers for Your Future Husband
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With Love,